Magazine Archive

Magazine Archive

Dr. Jonathan Bayuk: Rocking for a good cause
Northampton Living Reider Media Northampton Living Reider Media

Dr. Jonathan Bayuk: Rocking for a good cause

When Dr. Jonathan Bayuk was young, he wanted to be a rock star, “but it’s a lot easier to go to medical school,” he said. That decision led him to the Valley as he took pre-med first at UMass Amherst and finished at Harvard. After completing medical school in Maine, he did his residency at Baystate Medical Center in Springfield and eventually specialized in allergy and immunology. And while his musical skills never materialized, one could certainly call Jonathan a rock star.

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Ransomware: Tips for staying out of trouble
Northampton Living Reider Media Northampton Living Reider Media

Ransomware: Tips for staying out of trouble

It’s all too normal recently. It seems almost daily there is a ransomware attack some ware... and unfortunately they regularly impact all of us. What can you do to prevent being a victim? Actually, there are many things you can do both personally and for your business. I put together a list of items you can have in your arsenal to hopefully prevent any such attacks.

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The Neighborly Absorption (Part 8)
Northampton Living Reider Media Northampton Living Reider Media

The Neighborly Absorption (Part 8)

This edition is brought to you by the bat thermos of soup Alfred made for a run down Batman in The Animated Series. Did Bruce ever rock bat dominoes, house any bits, or grab some fresh apples in that ride? Playing endless hours of online bee simulators made life a ball again. The fire bees are finally making digital honey, and the male drones & worker females rendezvous at the hive. Bee’s Company too!

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413 Let’s Go Out: Support our local restaurants
Northampton Living Reider Media Northampton Living Reider Media

413 Let’s Go Out: Support our local restaurants

Northampton is a restaurant destination and boasts 100+ restaurants, bars, and other food service businesses. Across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, restaurants are a driving force in our state’s economy. They provide jobs and build careers for our neighbors, friends, and family members, and play a vital role in local communities throughout the state.

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Dakkan and Sarah: Artisans and adventures
Northampton Living Reider Media Northampton Living Reider Media

Dakkan and Sarah: Artisans and adventures

Dakkan is no stranger to the Valley. He attended Deerfield Academy and UMass Amherst and grew up in Colrain, Massachusetts. While at UMass, Dakkan majored in English, but he soon became fascinated with documentary filmmaking and the power of non-fiction in general. After bouncing around between San Francisco and New York City, he finally got his first filmmaking opportunity to shoot a documentary about the Tuscan Hills for public TV stations across the country.

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My first grief teacher
Northampton Living Reider Media Northampton Living Reider Media

My first grief teacher

Grief was never discussed at home. It just played itself out as I watched and learned. I was four when Grandpa Sam died and Grandma Bertha moved in with us. She spent summer days in our backyard, planting and weeding with a passion. Her mind would drift to memories of her little Ukrainian village.

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The High Price of Building this Year
Northampton Living Reider Media Northampton Living Reider Media

The High Price of Building this Year

The high costs facing everyone right now when seeking home repair and renovations is not limited to the carpentry business alone. Every trade this year seems to be hampered by a shortage or inflated price in one form or another. There is wire and conduit shortages for electrical work, pipe and fitting shortages for plumbing, equipment shortages for heating and air conditioning and, of course, record high prices for lumber across the board.

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The Neighborly Absorption (Part 7)
Northampton Living Reider Media Northampton Living Reider Media

The Neighborly Absorption (Part 7)

Dive in, all hands on deck. August is a grand slam 31-day hit parade. You don’t have to lead our horse to water because he plays water polo every day. The MVP – our most valuable pony won every event at this year’s pony awards. At a recent steeplechase workout, Clyde started slip sliding, trembled & tripped.

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The Neighborly Absorption (Part 6)
Northampton Living Reider Media Northampton Living Reider Media

The Neighborly Absorption (Part 6)

Riding on any wave is what I crave. While some scream for ice cream, I dream of frozen limonene. Lemons are a natural antiseptic and can take the sting out of bug bites. One of the meanings of the word portmanteau is a word blending, such as lymon from the words lemon and lime. I think lymon is the color fireflies emanate and I’m getting pretty thirsty for a yelloreen or grello soda right now.

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Dr. Megan Allen: Patience and unconditional love
Northampton Living Reider Media Northampton Living Reider Media

Dr. Megan Allen: Patience and unconditional love

Dr. Megan Allen’s journey to the Valley has taken many twists and turns, but it all stemmed from a decision she made in college. “I never thought I would become a teacher because my mother was a teacher. So, as a stubborn redhead, I didn’t want any part of it. But I lost my mom to cancer right before graduating college,” she said, “and some of her former students and colleagues reached out to me.

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Is Being an Electrician a Good Career?
Northampton Living Reider Media Northampton Living Reider Media

Is Being an Electrician a Good Career?

When it comes to being an electrician, there is so much to love about this rewarding career path. As electricians, we have the unique opportunity to provide one of the most essential services to our community. Electricity is what makes our modern world go round. Plus, it keeps the community feeling comfortable in their homes.

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The Neighborly Absorption (Part 5)
Northampton Living Reider Media Northampton Living Reider Media

The Neighborly Absorption (Part 5)

Does the saying, “your home is your castle,” apply if you live in an actual castle? In the game of chess, castling can be a great way to protect your king as well as plan attacks. The four rules for castling in chess are that the king can not be in check, the squares that the king passes and lands on must not be under attack, all the spaces between the rook and the king must be empty, and they can not have moved from their original squares.

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Lexi Wright: Still high-fiving
Northampton Living Reider Media Northampton Living Reider Media

Lexi Wright: Still high-fiving

When Lexi Wright was choosing what to call her bookstore, she wanted it to reflect her own love of reading. “The idea behind the name comes from books being a point of connection between people,” Lexi said. “With little babies, the first thing we do is teach them to wave. Then we teach them to high five. Similarly, I think books can bring people together.”

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Karen Foster and April Cannon: Adventures every day
Northampton Living Reider Media Northampton Living Reider Media

Karen Foster and April Cannon: Adventures every day

Karen Foster has spent most of her life being active and in motion, so it’s no wonder that in 2007 she met her future wife, April Cannon, while playing pick-up indoor soccer. “Exploring the outdoors has always been a big part of our relationship,” Karen said. Their first date was a kayaking trip from Montague to Sunderland along the Connecticut River and little did they know that they would get married on the banks of that same river two years later.

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The Neighborly Absorption (Part 4)
Northampton Living Reider Media Northampton Living Reider Media

The Neighborly Absorption (Part 4)

I finally booked a proper amphitheater to hold my 3-act play, The 3 Scrooges. It is a take on the Charles Dickens’ classic A Christmas Carol; however, Ebenezer’s siblings, Maurice & Shirley, pay him a surprise visit. The dollops of the wallops will make one, oh kneel in April’s delights. What-cha gonna do when the supernatural slapstick of Moe, Eben, and Shirley collide in an outdoor space near you?

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Up Jumped Spring: April Jazz Series
Northampton Living Reider Media Northampton Living Reider Media

Up Jumped Spring: April Jazz Series

The Northampton Jazz Workshop made its start in 2010 at the beloved French restaurant, the Green Street Café, steps from the Smith College Campus. When the restaurant’s building was torn down, the Workshop packed up and moved to The Loft at the Clarion Hotel on Atwood Drive. When that hotel was torn down, the intrepid troupe moved to the City Sports Grille–the bar and lounge at Spare Time Entertainment on Pleasant Street.

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Lindsay Fogg-Willits: Art for everyone
Northampton Living Reider Media Northampton Living Reider Media

Lindsay Fogg-Willits: Art for everyone

When Lindsay Fogg-Willits graduated from Skidmore in 2002 with an arts degree, she took some time to consider her options. “Ultimately,” she said, “I decided that relying on my art-making to get by would be too stressful.” The balance of stability and creativity she yearned for arrived in the form of teaching.

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