Mother’s Day at Floral Affairs
Floral Affairs
+1 413 376 4233
Hello, my name is Becky, and I am the owner of Floral Affairs in Greenfield. Besides owning a flower shop, I am a wife, mother, grandmother, and aunt. This month is when we celebrate Mother’s Day.
What kind of mother am I?
I am not your “typical mother.” Let me explain. I have 3 boys of my own, 3 stepsons, 1 stepdaughter, and 2 nephews that my husband and I had custody of. Plus, in the years of raising my 3 boys, I also parented one of their half-brothers and one of their half-sisters. Not to mention having a hand in raising my little brother. I know, it’s a lot of kids! Oh, and I have a dog! She counts as one of my kids too!
One might say that I have experience in motherhood. You might even call me an expert. Although in all fairness, with the majority being boys… my girl skills are probably lacking. Having mostly boys also did not guarantee me very much design help in the floral business. Although, each one of the kids has had their fair share of time at Floral Affairs.
Through our years in raising our children, with at one point having 9 in the household at one time, we have all learned about compassion, giving, sharing, and doing the best that we can for one another. We are a proud military family, having 6 of our kids join the military, 1 attended college, 1 works in the family construction business and the youngest (of course my baby) is a senior in high school and the quarterback of his football team. We have 6 grandchildren and a nephew that we love beyond words. To say that we are proud of how strong and independent our kids are, is an understatement.
Why do I share this bit of information with you? I think its because I want you to know that whatever kind of mother you are, or what ever the circumstance is that a child comes into your life… please know that you are making a difference.
You are important, you are needed, you are wanted, and they love you.
It is my wish for you—during these trying COVID times with kids not in school and hybrid schedules (you are now their teacher too)—that you are celebrated. It is my wish that you are served breakfast with a hand made card and a sweet little bouquet of flowers. While I LOVE making the big bouquets for moms, I genuinely LOVE when a child picks out a single perfect flower for the perfect mom that can never be replaced. I hope your Mother’s Day is filled with light and love