The Neighborly Absorption (Part 2)

Written by David J. Greenspan

Northampton Living magazine February 2021

Article published in Northampton Living (February 2021)

The word February comes from the Latin word “februum” which stands for purification and what better time is it than now to purify your language? The phrase, “you heard” should never be truncated into “yeard” or “ya’heard.” Have you heard the first Sunday of the month is the second biggest food day of the year? No matter who wins the big game, 139 million pounds of avocados and well over a billion chicken wings are going down.

This month, boost your mood and enhance your overall energy level and enjoy plenty of dark chocolate, sweet potatoes, fatty fish, nuts, seeds, green tea, and dark leafy greens. If you need to unwind from too many guests at your Charcuterie Chalet, National Vacuum Day is on the 4th. The Latin word “vaccus” is represented by pressure inside a space lower then the pressure outside the area or matterless space. Starting around 7:30 A.M. EST on Tuesday, Feb. 18, Mars will disappear behind the moon in what astronomers call an occultation. This planetary illusion will last for 90 minutes.

In 1927, the phenomenon of official state birds began. The northern cardinal and the western meadowlark are like the New York Yankees and Boston Red Sox of bird pennants. The cardinal tops the list of 7 states, and the meadowlark has 6. American Samoa and Puerto Rico have no official bird at this printing. In 1979, the Boston Terrier became the official dog breed of Massachusetts. Currently, 37 states are without a designated breed.

Carpentry guilds of the middle ages most likely came up with the expression “measure 7 times and cut once.” A similar expression “score twice before you cut once” was shortened and popularized to measure twice and cut once. When it comes to personal grooming, measuring once and cutting twice is never recommended.

The money I saved cutting my own hair allowed me to transition from profit farmer to one of sheer joy. As a gentleman farmer, I find myself watching way too many re-runs of The Beverly Hillbillies and Barnaby Jones. If Buddy Ebsen went into the epson salt business, he would have made a lot more than he ever did in the oil business or as a private investigator.

I went to the library to take pictures of as many books as I could because I am currently using them as backdrops during zoom meetings. I think that is the most effective way to show people the stability of my genius. I am reminded what boxing legend Jack Johnson once said, “Don’t let your dreams be dreams.” As we track calories and mark down the next 28,000 steps, take a moment to jot down your dreams. Create a personal dream plan and spend the madness of March putting them into action


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