Postpartum Exercise
Pelvic Health and Orthopedics
Therapy and Wellness Center
+1 413 387 0722
One of the most frequent questions I am asked as a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist is: “What exercise video or online programs do you recommend I do to get in shape after giving birth?” Many new parents are eager to get back to their pre-pregnancy state and streaming a video may be the quickest and most convenient way for some to begin their daily exercise routine.
The first thing to acknowledge is before you set your sights on a “workout” (none of which can come close to pregnancy, labor and delivery, and post-partum recovery) is that you have grown a human being in your body which has put incredible demands on you both physically and emotionally. The stresses of which are so complex, yet seen as so common in daily life, that many do not consider how challenging pregnancy and childbirth are. This means proper rest, nutrition, love, and support are essential in recovery. This is the baseline on which a great exercise program can be built.
A postpartum/pelvic floor physical therapist considers these factors during an exam where she evaluates posture, movement patterns, strength and screens for balance challenges, sensation, pain, and scar tissue. Addressing challenges with bowel movements, urinary incontinence, and concerns about resuming an intimate relationship are a few of the common issues many post-partum clients have when they come to physical therapy.
Once these factors are considered, the pelvic floor physical therapist can build an exercise and self-care program that is designed specifically for the individual. There is not one program or exercise series that fits all people. Each individual can have different problems for which exercises may have to be modified or completely omitted until a certain level of strength is achieved. Too often people push themselves through an exercise routine because they feel if they can do so, it will put them in the best physical condition. Most of the time this results in extreme discouragement or an injury.
Yes, a video can be fun and convenient! But pelvic floor physical therapists will tell you to first have an evaluation to understand what you specifically need to do to feel stronger and more energized, and learn what exercises will support your healing and strength.
Get a post-partum exercise program that takes your individuality into consideration. After that, you will have a good understanding about how to progress your exercise program safely and effectively.