Magazine Archive

Magazine Archive

Andy and Siyana Huszar: Empowering women through fashion
Northampton Living Reider Media Northampton Living Reider Media

Andy and Siyana Huszar: Empowering women through fashion

When Andy and Siyana met in 2012, they were both firmly engaged in the corporate world of New York City. After a career in finance, he was a professor at Rutgers Business School while she still worked in finance, designing financial products for an insurance company. They quickly hit it off, but three months later Siyana revealed a secret: as a hobby, she had been designing and selling clothing through Etsy and it was quickly becoming her passion.

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Postpartum Exercise
Northampton Living Reider Media Northampton Living Reider Media

Postpartum Exercise

One of the most frequent questions I am asked as a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist is: “What exercise video or online programs do you recommend I do to get in shape after giving birth?” Many new parents are eager to get back to their pre-pregnancy state and streaming a video may be the quickest and most convenient way for some to begin their daily exercise routine.

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The Neighborly Absorption (Part 10)
Northampton Living Reider Media Northampton Living Reider Media

The Neighborly Absorption (Part 10)

Aloe originates from the Arabian Peninsula, but lives in tropical, semi-tropical, arid, and indoor environments. It is one of the most useful plants in the world and provides many healing properties. Hummingbirds love the nectar from the bell-shaped aloe flowers that bloom in spring and early summer.

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