Magazine Archive

Magazine Archive

Division Q Returns to the Court for Second Season
Northampton Living Northampton Living Northampton Living Northampton Living

Division Q Returns to the Court for Second Season

Hannah Bevis was brought on to keep score. The veteran sports reporter had friends in Division Q, a semi-competitive recreation league for members of the queer community, and she was happy to volunteer on their behalf. Running the clock led to pick-up games and organizing the three-on-three (3v3) league. “The community aspect of it is what I think I would have liked to have as a kid,” says Bevis. “It’s a nice rebound as an adult.”

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Notes From a Bra Fitter
Longmeadow Neighbors Reider Media Longmeadow Neighbors Reider Media

Notes From a Bra Fitter

Why is it so hard to find a bra that fits well and feels good? I'm sure you've seen the statistic that over 80% of women are wearing the wrong size bra. This isn't so surprising when considering the huge diversity of human bodies and our confusingly inconsistent bra sizing systems.

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The Haunting Behind the Screen
Longmeadow Neighbors, Northampton Living Reider Media Longmeadow Neighbors, Northampton Living Reider Media

The Haunting Behind the Screen

It was a crisp October evening in Longmeadow, the kind of night when the moon hung low and pumpkins grinned wickedly from every doorstep. The streets buzzed with excited children darting from house to house, clutching bags of candy as they eagerly sought their next sweet treasure. But while the town's residents were busy celebrating Halloween, something far more sinister lurked in the shadows — not outside their homes, but inside their computers.

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Wenonah to The World: John Hanifin & His Music
Longmeadow Neighbors Reider Media Longmeadow Neighbors Reider Media

Wenonah to The World: John Hanifin & His Music

“Longmeadow is such a beautiful town, there really is no other town like it. It holds a special place in my heart as I grew up here and I know I will always consider it my home, no matter where I end up.”

The Hanifin family’s roots in Longmeadow dates back to the 1800’s when the Hanifin’s had a farm down in what is now called “The Meadows” and a house on Longmeadow Street.

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Lost and Found: Jake Marmer’s Love of Language is a Steady Compass
Northampton Living Reider Media Northampton Living Reider Media

Lost and Found: Jake Marmer’s Love of Language is a Steady Compass

“There was an underlying sense of, ‘This is my home, but I belong somewhere else,’” says Jake Marmer of his childhood in Soviet Ukraine. The accomplished poet and Head of School at Lander-Grinspoon Academy in Northampton was raised in a Jewish family, where he was acutely aware of systemic repression and its lengthy history. But as a young student who loved the humanities, he learned that poetry was sacred. His grandmother was a teacher of literature and language, and learning poems by heart was a duty and a joy. 

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The Sky’s the Limit for Brook Wolcott
Northampton Living Reider Media Northampton Living Reider Media

The Sky’s the Limit for Brook Wolcott

Brook Wolcott was in the eighth grade when she decided to take to the skies. There were no pilots in her family. There were no ready role models. She would forge her own flight path.

“I want to let others know that this is attainable, because I didn’t think I’d be able to do it,” says the now 17-year-old licensed private pilot. “Because it was such a crazy – it’s just such a wild thing to do, to be a pilot. You don’t see a lot of eighth graders who want to fly airplanes.”

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Finding Opportunity Amidst Low Housing Inventories
Northampton Living Reider Media Northampton Living Reider Media

Finding Opportunity Amidst Low Housing Inventories

The current housing market is one of high buyer demand and low housing inventory – creating a market heavily weighed toward sellers. Buyers may feel they are short on viable housing options and stuck in bidding wars. Some buyers have sought refuge by opting to renovate or build their dream home instead. Let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons a consumer may face when renovating or building a home.

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Back to School in the Age of AI: Transforming K-12 Classrooms

Back to School in the Age of AI: Transforming K-12 Classrooms

Picture this: A student struggling with a complex physics concept logs into their AI tutor. The AI model provides a tailored explanation appropriate for their grade level, so the student asks questions and gains a better understanding. As a result, they perform better on their homework. This is just one of many possibilities education in the age of AI can offer. The use of AI in classrooms is revolutionizing how students learn, and how teachers teach. It’s affecting how information is taught and how assessments are performed, and is creating new opportunities and challenges for teachers, students and parents.

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College Prep: Senior Year Roadmap
Longmeadow Neighbors Reider Media Longmeadow Neighbors Reider Media

College Prep: Senior Year Roadmap

Senior year of High School can be a huge, difficult transition, but if you have a great tutor and college plan in place, it can be one of the most unforgettable years of your life!  At Infinity Ed, "Education Designed for Success," we have helped nearly 1,000 students further their academic abilities - and we want to help your student achieve their college dreams.  Below are some tips so you’ll be on the way to college success!

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Celebrating Massachusetts Day: How You Can Leverage Mass. History to Enhance Your Digital Media Presence!
Longmeadow Neighbors Reider Media Longmeadow Neighbors Reider Media

Celebrating Massachusetts Day: How You Can Leverage Mass. History to Enhance Your Digital Media Presence!

Mark Your Calendars!


August 17th is National Massachusetts Day and as your local digital media experts here at MorningBird Media, we are excited to share with you ways to commemorate the commonwealth in style through your digital media accounts. What began by National Day Calendar® as an initiative to recognize and celebrate every state in the union starting with Delaware on the week of July 4th, has now, almost a decade later, become a popular way to share all the things that make each of our states unique online. 

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