40+ Years, 3 Generations: Meet the Ryczek Family

Written by Seth Stutman
Photos by Lanae Photo

Sponsored by East Village Place

Published in Longmeadow Neighbors (December 2023)

Since 1978, the Ryczek family has called Longmeadow home, and while much has changed in the last nearly half-century, for the Ryczek family, it’s always been about family.  

“What our family loves about Longmeadow is that it’s a close community and everyone feels welcome.  Our two children both moved to the Boston area when they married, but moved back once they had children. Both realized Longmeadow is the type of community they wanted to raise their children in.”

That desire to raise a family in this safe, welcoming town was mirrored more than 40 years ago, when Mary and Eugene moved to town.  The pair met in college, Mary attending Our Lady of the Elms, and Gene at Westfield State College.  They both ended up in teaching, Gene teaching Math at Fermi High School, Enfield Connecticut, and Mary teaching at the elementary level  and in school administration for the Springfield Public Schools for over 30 years. 

After a marriage of 55 years, Eugene Ryczek, passed away on May 30, 2020.  The college sweethearts were fond of their time together, making memories right here in the 01106.

“My best memories with Gene were watching my children Kevin and Kara play sports, as well as watching all my grandchildren, Kaitlyn, Regan, Nolan, Lincoln, and Beatrice play sports,” said Mary.  “They all live in Longmeadow, so we have been involved in Longmeadow sports for the past 20 years. I feel very fortunate to have my children and grandchildren all living in Longmeadow.”

Decades ago, both Gene and Mary were exceptional athletes.  Gene was inducted into the Western Mass Baseball Hall of Fame, and Mary was inducted into the Western Mass Runners Hall of Fame.  Both also coached baseball, basketball, and cross country.

You may have seen Mary running through town, or holding a fitness class at area gyms and adult centers.  

“I can say I have run on every street in Longmeadow,” says Mary.  “During my winning years I was considered to be the best female runner in western mass, winning every race I ran in Longmeadow and many other races as well.  People in town called me the ‘running mom’.” 

The Ryczek children, Kevin and Kara, are now grown up, with children of their own.  Both were three-sport stars and members of championship teams during their time at LHS. In addition to being parents, they coach and also play in adult recreation leagues.  They both cite their Longmeadow childhood with their desire to pay-the-experience forward to their own children - that and having built in babysitters.  

“Gene and I were present at 99% of our children and grandchildren’s games,” Mary said.  “Our children and grandchildren have participated in many activities, programs, camps, and team sports offered in Longmeadow.”

Like the two generations before them, the Ryczek grandchildren are also blazing their own athletic path through town.  Teenagers Kaityln, Regan, Lincoln, Nolan Beatrice have played soccer, lacrosse, baseball, tennis, wrestling, field hockey, track, basketball and more.

“As a family, parent, and grandparent we have spent a considerable amount of time on all Longmeadow fields,” said Mary.  

When she isn’t helping others, or being a doting grandmother, Mary teaches  Pilates and Strength Training, which she has done around the Pioneer Valley. “I enjoy both classes because I am working with older adults helping them to improve their health, living a safe life and enjoy interacting with other older adults,” she says.  “Most participants are from Longmeadow and have made new friendships with others from Longmeadow. The Longmeadow Adult Center is a great place to meet people and enjoy a variety of activities and stay for lunch.”

Mary also loves the staff at the Storrs Library, always prepared with another excellent book recommendation. “The staff at Storrs are so willing to help advise books for me to read and books for me to read to my grandchildren,” she says.  “I have been going to Storrs library for the past 40 years and every time I went someone was always willing to answer my questions.  

At the end of the day, the biggest support system for the Ryczek family is each other. 

“My children and grandchildren have come to watch me, and my husband runs in races as well as in the Boston Marathon.  We would take Family trips into Boston for the Boston Marathon Race weekend,” Mary said. “Spending time in Boston visiting the ballpark, or museum and getting ready for race day Monday.  On several trips to the Boston Marathon, my sister, brother-in-law, sister in-law, nieces and friend would travel to Boston to watch us run.  Our daughter also ran in the Boston Marathon.”

It’s been 40+ years and three generations, and Mary Ryczek still loves her community.  

“It’s a close community and everyone feels welcome,” she says.  “[Our children] have made many great friends here in Longmeadow, and many of these friends continue to live in Longmeadow. We all feel that a plus for Longmeadow is its outstanding School System. The police department staff are always available and willing to help. The fire department will come to your assistance with any small concern you may have.   Parks and Rec offers so many activities, the new Adult Center is a place where everyone in Longmeadow can be proud of.  It has outstanding services offered to the adult population. 

Lastly, Ryczek credits the religious groups in Longmeadow and how they join to serve the community. “Whether formal sessions such as funerals, holiday activities such as the Christmas stroll or just simply working together on a project, this is something you will only see in Longmeadow. Truly a community for all.”


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