Magazine Archive
Magazine Archive

Join UMassFive in Celebrating the 75th anniversary of International Credit Union Day
Making life choices and dreams a reality are how credit unions make a difference – in Northampton and around the world. All credit unions share a common goal: to offer access to affordable financial services to members and provide even the most financially disadvantaged the tools and opportunities to be financially self-sufficient.
Now that’s something to celebrate

Let Halloween be the only time you’re spooked in October!
While the falling leaves, chilling air, and ghouls and goblins of Halloween may rule the month of October, there's another bone chilling, bubbling cauldron of potential disaster that often goes unnoticed—your HVAC system. In the spirit of the season, we unravel the spine-chilling HVAC nightmares that can turn your cozy home into a haunting house of discomfort. The folks at Berkshire Heating and Air Conditioning want to make sure you avoid these potentially spooky HVAC monsters this season - but call them if they rear their ugly heads!

Unleashing the Wow: The Secrets to Unforgettable Boxing
You're eagerly awaiting the arrival of your much-anticipated online order. As you hear the doorbell ring, excitement courses through your veins. With bated breath, you grab the package and eagerly tear it open – but wait! Is it a generic brown box with no sign of what lies inside, or is it a beautifully wrapped parcel that beckons you to treat it like a treasure chest? The difference between the two is the ultimate unboxing experience, and wow, can it make all the difference!

Health Savings Accounts and Medicare Planning
Healthcare costs continue to rise, leaving many individuals worried about how to manage their medical expenses both now and in the future. Two powerful tools in this regard are Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) and Medicare. Understanding how these tools interact can help you make informed decisions about your healthcare and financial well-being.

Erase Your School Anxiety with InfinityEd
Varna Naik began math tutoring more than a decade ago, and realized how rampant “math anxiety” was in our society - she saw a need to create a space for students to ease themselves into Math - and from there, InfinityEd was born.
“Little ol’ me, at a wee age of 18, didn’t understand that these [Math Anxiety] struggles existed; it burst my bubble and forced me into the real world,” said Naik. “Further, it showed me why folks have so many life problems: poverty, debt, and other financial struggles. My experiences in community college solidified into a conclusion: mathematics, as a core foundational skill that teaches critical thinking and creative problems solving, is neither taught nor learned properly. As such, some people struggle their whole lives with no way of breaking free from their circumstances.”

Avoid Spooky Social Media Scams this Halloween with our Best Ghoul-Tools!
We at MorningBird Media know the digital graveyard is an easy web to find ourselves tangled in, especially for business owners. Lately, we have seen a surge in scams and bot accounts lurking around every corner of the Facebook ether and want to ensure you are properly equipped to spot the imposters!

Halloween is Spooky Enough without an HVAC Horror Show
While the falling leaves, chilling air and Halloween ghouls may define the month of October, there's another bubbling cauldron of potential disaster that often goes gets lost in the spirit of the season: your Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system. Never fear: We’re here to unravel the nightmares that can turn your cozy home into a haunted house.

Woman in Power: Meet Lynnette Watkins, President of Cooley Dickinson
For Lynnette Watkins, the hospital has always been home. As a young girl in St. Louis, Missouri, it was where her dad spent most weekends, visiting his patients and building his ophthalmology practice. When he had to perform cataract surgery, his little girl was entrusted to the nurses, who’d fill her with candy and lollipops to her heart’s content.
As a teenager, she worked as a candy striper in the same hospital, where she gathered bouquets at the flower shop and carted them to grateful patients’ rooms.
Now the president and chief executive officer of Cooley Dickinson Health Care, Watkins beams when she recalls her early days. “I still have a picture of me with my little hat and my candy striper outfit,” she says. “I just thought I was the bee’s knees.”

Tech & Town: Just Two Passions of Nate Munic
It’s been a journey from Ely Road, to the Carolinas and back again, but for Nate Munic, he’s enjoyed every step of the journey - and it’s all helped to inform who he is and what he does today.
“I love the neighborhood that I live in and am fond of the neighbors and how walkable the various parts of town are. My fondness for the community is also apparent in the work that I do for the town forum on Facebook, Longmeadow Pride and in the work that I do to help people with their technology in and around town.”

For Local Allergist, One Roof is Built on a Dream and Donations
The 2023 One Roof Festival went off without a hitch. Despite a gloomy weather forecast, the near-capacity crowd at the Pines Theater at Look Park spent nearly 9 rain-free hours rocking out to a line-up of 90s bands, including Gin Blossoms, Toad the Wet Sprocket and Juliana Hatfield. Popular local groups Eavesdrop and The Glad Machine kicked off the benefit concert.

When Death Interrupts the Conversation
When I was 20, my father threatened to disown me if I didn't transfer out of the music composition track I was on at college, and get a “sensible” degree in elementary education. Out of pure fear, I did as he demanded. Three years later, when Dad was seriously ill, I landed my first teaching job at a private elementary school on Long Island, moved back into my old bedroom at my parents’ house, and hoped to find the courage to have it out with Dad.

Know Your Student's Educational Options
Even though the school year has just begun, some families may already be thinking about educational options for next fall. This is especially true if their child is at a transition point in their education. Typically, parents will hear about schools – and their reputations – from people in their social circles. Then if they’re especially interested, they’ll go online to seek out more information. The best action families can take after that is to make in-person visits to selected schools and experience the learning environment firsthand. Here are some questions to think about during the school exploration process:

The Mathnasing Number Maze!
Summer is all about fun in the sun, but all that time out of the classroom means that your child might have had a summer math set back. At Mathnasium, our tutors build a love and appreciation for math, and can help your students get back on track this fall! Keep your student sharp with the mind-boggling world of The Amazing Number Maze!

Meet CLOSE: Coalition of Longmeadow Organizing Substance Education
In an effort to combat the growing concern of youth substance use, the community of Longmeadow began rallying together in 2016 to implement comprehensive prevention measures. Recognizing the critical importance of safeguarding their young population, Longmeadow Public Schools helped to develop CLOSE Community, the Coalition of Longmeadow Organizing Substance Education for the Community—led by caring volunteers including parents, educators, health care providers, grandparents, students, police officers, clergy, business owners & civic volunteers.

Garrick Perry: A Force for Good
In Northampton’s heyday, the city pulsed with music. Main Street was a treasure map for aspiring performers and loyal fans, a trail of gold coins from the Iron Horse to the Pearl Street Nightclub to the Calvin Theatre. And with a built-in support system for bands, there was bounty aplenty for everyone.
Garrick Perry, better known as “Force,” arrived on the scene in the early 2000s. He joined the local hip hop/reggae band the Alchemystics in 2004 and formed a group of MCs called the Problemaddicts two years later. Soon he began managing Bishop’s Lounge – the only late-night venue that remains open in Northampton – a bar he envisioned as the city’s “Cheers.”
“I spent a lot of time community building,” he explains. “A number of friends joked that I was sort of like the Night Mayor.”

Your Newest Selectman: Meet Vineeth and the Hemavathi Family
“Longmeadow is full of amazing, smart, and fun individuals. We also love Longmeadow’s green spaces, its walkability, and overall friendliness,” said Longmeadow resident Vineeth Hemavathi. “We often joke that we feel that Longmeadow is like Stars Hollow from Gilmore Girls – the ideal town!”
Whether you liken Longmeadow to Stars Hollow, Mayfield, Mayberry, or Agrestic, it is certainly some version of paradise for the Hemavathi-Stevens family.
Northampton Living’s Publisher Named Ambassador of the Year
When Daniel Reider moved to the area in November 2019, he didn’t know a soul in Northampton. After a 12-year career with the National Basketball Association overseeing international television programming, he had a network that spanned the world. Yet he longed to be part of a close-knit community.
In January 2020, Reider started to approach sponsors for Northampton Living, the first local magazine that would put its residents on the cover and give the community the royal treatment. Though the pandemic delayed its launch, the magazine debuted that October. Less than 3 years later, he was named Ambassador of the Year by the Greater Northampton Chamber of Commerce.

Dream House: Valley Home Improvement Does Inspired Work in the Community
Before Steve Silverman moved to Florence, he set a few intentions. He and his wife would trade the Cape Cod shores for acres of farmland. He would “pick up a tool belt and make a hobby into a career.” Maybe he’d be a builder.
In 2004 the couple rented a house and gave themselves one year to buy a home. That September, they headed to the Three-County Fair to celebrate Labor Day. That’s where Silverman came across a posting for a 45-acre horse farm. Within a week, he’d signed a purchase and sale agreement. Now it was time to find work.
When he walked into Valley Home Improvement (VHI) that month, he and the company president, Nelson Shifflett, realized they had attended the same high school on the Cape. Then Shifflett said something even more surprising: “One day I’m going to sell my company and you could be the buyer.” He looked in Silverman’s direction, and Silverman peered over his shoulder, wondering who had entered the room. Then he turned back to his new boss, who now shook the hand of his future successor.

A Matter of Life and Death
What happens when Uncle Sam and the Grim Reaper join forces? The death tax, otherwise known as the largest tax bill you’ll ever pay but never see. Thankfully, unlike death itself, this tax can be avoided or minimized with proper estate planning.

A Cable TV Exodus
Am I the only one that thinks that cable companies are a bunch of thieves? Actually, I know I’m not. I hear the same thing from my clients all the time. But this is getting out of hand. Every other day, I see someone make a post about it, or I get a call from someone who is fed up with their cable bills. While the numbers are not exact, from my experience, monthly bills are ranging from $230-$290 a month! That's insanity.