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Financial Resolutions that Stick
Northampton Living Reider Media Northampton Living Reider Media

Financial Resolutions that Stick

Like millions of Americans, you may have made a New Year’s resolution to get a handle on money – whether that’s saving more, tackling your debt, or planning to purchase a new car or home. When you are optimistic about a new year, it’s easy to have grand visions of how you will cut out every cup of coffee, cook at home every day, and break out a ledger or leverage a budgeting app on a weekly basis. By funneling this energy into a few hours of work, you won’t need to sustain that excitement for the rest of the year. Here are a few examples to help you meet your financial goals.

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Join UMassFive in Celebrating the 75th anniversary of International Credit Union Day
Northampton Living Reider Media Northampton Living Reider Media

Join UMassFive in Celebrating the 75th anniversary of International Credit Union Day

Making life choices and dreams a reality are how credit unions make a difference – in Northampton and around the world. All credit unions share a common goal: to offer access to affordable financial services to members and provide even the most financially disadvantaged the tools and opportunities to be financially self-sufficient.

Now that’s something to celebrate

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