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Magazine Archive

Grow Food Northampton Offers Community, Agency and Hope
Northampton Living Reider Media Northampton Living Reider Media

Grow Food Northampton Offers Community, Agency and Hope

At 10 a.m. on a cloudless fall day, Ruth von Goeler and Juju Carpenter open the market. A card table – long enough for 4 people to shop comfortably – showcases today’s bounty, which includes peppers, carrots, lettuce, raspberries, eggs, sausage and tofu, all grown and produced on local farms. Ears of corn gleam in their husks, available with or without a recipe card in English or Spanish, for a corn and cherry tomato salad.

Within the next half hour, about 50 patrons will line up behind the Walter Salvo House, a low-income housing development for elderly and disabled Northampton residents. Many are on a first-name basis with the food access assistants from Grow Food Northampton (GFN), who replenish the stock, again and again, from cardboard boxes stacked underneath the table. The nonprofit’s goal is to build a just and sustainable local food system, and this is their mission in action.

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Married with Kids? Now, Not So Much
Northampton Living Reider Media Northampton Living Reider Media

Married with Kids? Now, Not So Much

As her parents listened from the other room, five-year-old Nancy chattered to her family of dolls: Mommy and Daddy, little Clara, and Clara’s younger brother David.

Several decades later, they hear something quite different from their daughter. Nancy, 35, has lived happily with her boyfriend of 5 years. Neither wants to tie the knot. Now she mentions that they don’t want kids. So much for Clara and David.

When we launched our financial planning firm in 2002, few of our clients had stories like this. They hoped for a comfortable retirement, for family support they could count on in old age, and to someday pass on what remained of their wealth to the next generation.

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Take Advantage of the Real Estate Market
Northampton Living Reider Media Northampton Living Reider Media

Take Advantage of the Real Estate Market

November greetings!

Much like other small communities, our local real estate market has been impacted by a confluence of factors stemming from the global pandemic and predictable demographic shifts. Simply put, in the last few years the number of buyers has exceeded the number of sellers, even with higher interest rates and higher prices. One of the most striking features of the current market is the shrinking inventory. Buyers are encountering a limited supply of available homes. The number of homes sold in the second quarter (Q2) this year is about 20% lower than Q2 2022. The number of homes sold in Northampton is 33% lower than last year.

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