Magazine Archive

Magazine Archive

Lisa Lippiello Shows Grace Under Pressure
Northampton Living Reider Media Northampton Living Reider Media

Lisa Lippiello Shows Grace Under Pressure

Downton Valley has a royal feel to it. A long, winding driveway leads to a stately home that rises over the Pioneer Valley. Inside, the “Dowager Room” and the “Isobel Room” nod to two of the most powerful female characters on the historical drama “Downton Abbey.” But the woman behind this bed-and-breakfast home is a contemporary queen.

She rules.

The best thing about Lisa Lippiello is that she is a humble monarch. Before she was a mother, wife and entrepreneur; before she was a managing partner at a law firm in Northampton, she was just a little girl drawn to the ocean. “I have photos of my father racing to the shore because I was crawling through the sand to the water,” she says with a laugh. The water was her happy place; it would be her steady companion as she navigated her parent’ divorce and was tasked with caring for her younger brother.

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And So Our Lives Continue
Northampton Living Reider Media Northampton Living Reider Media

And So Our Lives Continue

It's a rainy Sunday morning in April. My wife is driving down to the city to meet her daughter, who flew in to take her mom to lunch and a show. We celebrated on Friday, her actual birthday – with a pancake breakfast in bed; followed by a leisurely day with our puppy, Milo; and capped off with a romantic dinner at The Blue Heron Restaurant.

I'm sitting on our daybed on the porch now, my computer perched on my lap. Somewhat reluctantly, I turned on the gas stove this morning in an effort to temper the chilly April air. All I can hear is the steady patter of rain on the porch roof, an occasional flutter of ducks fishing on the river, and a contented sigh from Milo, who is lying by my side. Suddenly I catch a whir of red brushing across the porch window: A cardinal has sent his blessing for a sweet day at home.

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Risky Business
Northampton Living Reider Media Northampton Living Reider Media

Risky Business

I recently received a panicked email from a potential client who told me that one of their competitors may be taking legal action against them. The reason? Both companies share the same business name in the same industry.

Brand identity is a critical aspect of any business, and it's essential to ensure that you're not infringing on any existing trademarks or brand names when starting a new company. My potential client’s situation could have been avoided if their company had examined their brand and competition from the start.

Here’s why it's crucial to work with a professional to safeguard your brand

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Proudly Forward
Northampton Living Reider Media Northampton Living Reider Media

Proudly Forward

Grace Moreno is a force, and she’s the force behind the ever-expanding Massachusetts LGBT Chamber of Commerce. Of its 465 members, more than a quarter are based in the western part of the state – and last November the chamber opened an office in Easthampton to take even better care of them.

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