Magazine Archive

Magazine Archive

Jill Foley: Nowhere Else Felt Like Home
Northampton Living Reider Media Northampton Living Reider Media

Jill Foley: Nowhere Else Felt Like Home

Jill Foley is a Northampton native who’s excited to be back in the Valley. “After living in Boston for 10 years after college” she began, “nowhere else I went felt like home.” It was especially difficult because she had so many ties to the local community. She grew up doing laps at the YMCA and forming many of the lasting relationships she’s carried with her to present day.

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God-Wrestling With Sister Mary
Northampton Living Reider Media Northampton Living Reider Media

God-Wrestling With Sister Mary

If grief is a teacher, then perhaps we are all sometimes her reluctant students. My father died nearly half a century ago. After his funeral, Edith, one of Dad’s closest friends, offered me some rather blunt advice: “Rob,” she said, “you’ll never get over this.” I’ve always been grateful to Edith for letting me in on one of life’s best kept secrets; that our greatest losses may change us forever.

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Boss Consulting: My Story
Northampton Living Reider Media Northampton Living Reider Media

Boss Consulting: My Story

My image consulting journey began in 2010 when I finished training as a diplomat. Growing up in London, competition was fierce. From an early age, I knew I had to stand out if I wanted to get ahead in life. But no matter how educated I was or how many accolades I won, I still felt average because there was always someone better than me.

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The Northampton Jazz Festival Presents: Music Inn
Northampton Living Reider Media Northampton Living Reider Media

The Northampton Jazz Festival Presents: Music Inn

There was a time in the 1950s when musical giants strutted the Berkshire Hills in Western Massachusetts. Be-boppers, folk singers, African drummers, blues singers, jazz legends, poets, and musicologists gathered at a place called Music Inn in Lenox, Massachusetts – just a stone’s throw away from classical music’s most famous summer festival at Tanglewood – to share their converging traditions and go looking for roots most people didn’t think even existed.

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