Magazine Archive

Magazine Archive

Our United Way Makes History: For 100 Years, Northampton Has Been in Good Hands
Northampton Living Reider Media Northampton Living Reider Media

Our United Way Makes History: For 100 Years, Northampton Has Been in Good Hands

When Holly Martineau joined the United Way of the Franklin and Hampshire Region last March, the first thing she did was celebrate. That’s because 2022 marked the organization’s 100th year of extraordinary service.

“The 100th anniversary of any nonprofit is a huge event,” says Martineau, director of development for the Northampton-based branch. “But the United Way is funding organizations that serve those most in need, and those needs are constantly changing. So that means we need to evolve as well.”

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Holiday Hustle
Northampton Living Reider Media Northampton Living Reider Media

Holiday Hustle

‘Tis the season for big buys, frequent returns, and, we hate to say it: skeevy scams. We talked to tech expert Scott Haselkorn about what to note before you answer that urgent email from Amaz0n. (And no, that’s not a typo. It’s just more reason to read on.)

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Doctor's Orders
Northampton Living Reider Media Northampton Living Reider Media

Doctor's Orders

Dr. Jonathan Bayuk, a board-certified allergist and clinic immunologist in Northampton, gets real with us about covid-19 vaccine injuries, pandemic tee-shirt slogans, and the good old days of Encyclopedia Britannica.

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