Magazine Archive

Magazine Archive

Modern Home Security
Northampton Living Reider Media Northampton Living Reider Media

Modern Home Security

When I moved into town, I did everything I could think of to make my new home secure. I changed the locks, installed a video doorbell, alarm system, and a few cameras around the home. Maybe not everyone does all these things but for me, a nerd by nature and trade, I find the selection process fun and exciting. Over the last few years I have become numb to the constant alerts on my phone from all these devices.

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Special, Protected, and Even 3rd Places
Northampton Living Reider Media Northampton Living Reider Media

Special, Protected, and Even 3rd Places

Do you ever wonder why our beautiful valley looks a bit different from other similar river valleys? From a high-altitude vantage point, one thing that sticks out is that most mountain ranges in North America run north to south. Here, however, the local mountain range runs east to west. I like to say that this influences our relationship with the land. The culture of this area is driven by land preservation.

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It’s a Great Time to Test Your Home for Radon
Northampton Living Reider Media Northampton Living Reider Media

It’s a Great Time to Test Your Home for Radon

Radon gas escapes the fissures in rock and mineral deposits, and percolates through pores in the soil towards the surface where it can dissipate into the atmosphere. But, if there is a house in its path, radon gas naturally moves from the high pressure environment in the ground to the lower pressure disturbed zone below foundations and ultimately inside your home.

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