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Aimee Salmon:  Jumping for Joy
Northampton Living Reider Media Northampton Living Reider Media

Aimee Salmon: Jumping for Joy

Are you teaching today? It was one of the first English phrases she understood, even though she was the new girl in Zumba class. No one knew that Aimee Salmon had never danced, that growing up in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, moving just wasn’t on her radar.

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Money Talks
Northampton Living Reider Media Northampton Living Reider Media

Money Talks

Inheritance is the third rail in financial planning. No one wants to go there. Yet when you think about your future financial circumstances, you need to estimate any wealth you might inherit. Without it, you’re flying blind when you consider these questions.

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Hot Topic
Northampton Living Reider Media Northampton Living Reider Media

Hot Topic

Home is where the heart is - and where the heat is - if you take care of your heating systems. Berkshire Heating and Air Conditioning not only helps customers service their existing systems, but they also provide new alternatives to traditional systems. Invest your tax refund in the future of your heating and cooling systems and you’ll soon see the returns.

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