Magazine Archive

Magazine Archive

David Mintz: Helping People with the Power of the Law
Northampton Living Reider Media Northampton Living Reider Media

David Mintz: Helping People with the Power of the Law

If there’s one thing David Mintz is familiar with, it’s the law. “I’ve always been interested in the art of persuasion,” he started. “My friends would say that I’ve always loved a good debate.” Having worked with the law since graduating from George Washington University in 1982, David knows firsthand how impactful a good lawyer can be when they’re needed most.

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Amelanchier: Connecting Seasons, Wildlife, and People
Northampton Living Reider Media Northampton Living Reider Media

Amelanchier: Connecting Seasons, Wildlife, and People

Early spring, when winter still brings snow flurries and cold frosts, when Daffodils and Hyacinth fight through the frozen ground to bring light and hope for the coming months, before the mosquitos and ticks become active and the ecological engine that are the Northeast Deciduous forests open their leaves to the sun, there is a humble yet vital native shrub blooming silken white flowers and sharing its delicate scent through crisp air currents.

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The Neighborly Absorption (Part 15)
Northampton Living Reider Media Northampton Living Reider Media

The Neighborly Absorption (Part 15)

Sprong sprengs as spring sprang and sprung. If you received Richard Quickley’s pamphlet Get Rich Quick in the mail, you’ll receive Got Rich Quick really soon. Every time I go near the monkey cages at the zoo I step in Rhesus pieces. The agony and ecstasy of painting one’s bathroom is like an Edy’s pie, so take a bite.

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