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An Attitude of Gratitude … or Whatever Works Best for You
Longmeadow Neighbors Reider Media Longmeadow Neighbors Reider Media

An Attitude of Gratitude … or Whatever Works Best for You

Enjoy every moment. Stop and smell the roses. Count your blessings.

These wise words of wisdom are part of our vocabulary and ingrained in our culture, but when you’re carting kids around town, trying to make a living, and just generally caught up in daily life, the art of practicing mindfulness can quickly take a back seat.

As the mother of a toddler, I always hear “it goes by so fast, enjoy every second.” And trust me, I believe it…the last two years have flown by. But when I’m changing a diaper or chasing my son down the street, I don’t always have my appreciation hat on.

So, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, I’d like to share a few tips we can use this time of year, and in our everyday lives, to slow things down just a bit. Full disclosure: these are brought to you via extensive research, err Googling. While I have not yet put all of these into practice, I do plan to give them a try.

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