Magazine Archive

Magazine Archive

The Armata’s Family
Longmeadow Neighbors Reider Media Longmeadow Neighbors Reider Media

The Armata’s Family

If you live in or around Longmeadow, chances are you have heard of Armata’s. What makes the store so significant to so many residents is that Alexis Vallides, the owner, and her employees try to foster a familial environment, not only with each other as coworkers, but also with the customers. The fire that burned down the store last November definitely put that family to the test.

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Park Story: The history of Bliss and Laurel Parks (Part 1)
Longmeadow Neighbors Reider Media Longmeadow Neighbors Reider Media

Park Story: The history of Bliss and Laurel Parks (Part 1)

On any given day, the 81 acres of Bliss and Laurel Parks provide Longmeadow residents with a place for respite and recreation. They are a legacy gift, first envisioned as the community’s water supply district. The district, established by a 2/3rds Town vote in 1894 and advanced by a State Legislative Act in 1895 for land taking, comprises six parcels.

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The Absorption (Part 5)
Longmeadow Neighbors Reider Media Longmeadow Neighbors Reider Media

The Absorption (Part 5)

Sprong sprengs as spring sprang and sprung. If you received Richard Quickley’s pamphlet Get Rich Quick in the mail, you’ll receive Got Rich Quick really soon. Every time I go near the monkey cages at the zoo I step in Rhesus pieces. The agony and ecstasy of painting one’s bathroom is like an Edy’s pie, so take a bite. Lemon shark sounds delicious, I wonder if they contain a high level of Vitamin C?

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