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Magazine Archive

Fun and Effective Ideas To Keep Math Skills Sharp Over Summer Break
Longmeadow Neighbors Reider Media Longmeadow Neighbors Reider Media

Fun and Effective Ideas To Keep Math Skills Sharp Over Summer Break

As the school year winds down and summer break approaches, many students look forward to a time of relaxation and fun. However, it's essential to ensure that their hard-earned math skills don't become rusty over the long break. Fortunately, there are numerous engaging and enjoyable activities that parents and educators can encourage to keep those mathematical gears turning throughout the summer months.

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The Mathnasing Number Maze!
Longmeadow Neighbors Reider Media Longmeadow Neighbors Reider Media

The Mathnasing Number Maze!

Summer is all about fun in the sun, but all that time out of the classroom means that your child might have had a summer math set back. At Mathnasium, our tutors build a love and appreciation for math, and can help your students get back on track this fall! Keep your student sharp with the mind-boggling world of The Amazing Number Maze!

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Celebrating Pi Day with Mathnasium
Longmeadow Neighbors Reider Media Longmeadow Neighbors Reider Media

Celebrating Pi Day with Mathnasium

Happy Pi Day!

Every March 14th, math students and teachers around the world come together to celebrate Pi Day, the holiday that honors the mathematical constant pi. Pi, or 3.14159…, is the distance around a circle divided by the distance across its middle, or the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter.

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Math SAT problem simplified!
Longmeadow Neighbors Reider Media Longmeadow Neighbors Reider Media

Math SAT problem simplified!

It’s the test will be offered seven times between now and next year, March is a popular choice, particularly for first-time juniors. Whether you’re taking the test in a few weeks or a few months, for the first time or the fifth, the following tips applied to an example of a real-life problem will help transform the SAT Math sections from onerous to effortless. Let’s begin!

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