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For Local Allergist, One Roof is Built on a Dream and Donations
Northampton Living Reider Media Northampton Living Reider Media

For Local Allergist, One Roof is Built on a Dream and Donations

The 2023 One Roof Festival went off without a hitch. Despite a gloomy weather forecast, the near-capacity crowd at the Pines Theater at Look Park spent nearly 9 rain-free hours rocking out to a line-up of 90s bands, including Gin Blossoms, Toad the Wet Sprocket and Juliana Hatfield. Popular local groups Eavesdrop and The Glad Machine kicked off the benefit concert.

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Doctor's Orders
Northampton Living Reider Media Northampton Living Reider Media

Doctor's Orders

Dr. Jonathan Bayuk, a board-certified allergist and clinic immunologist in Northampton, gets real with us about covid-19 vaccine injuries, pandemic tee-shirt slogans, and the good old days of Encyclopedia Britannica.

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The science of vaccines
Northampton Living Reider Media Northampton Living Reider Media

The science of vaccines

Let’s talk about vaccines. I have been a vaccine immunologist since 2005. My interest in vaccines began with a healthy respect for viruses especially the Avian Bird Flu and Ebola. These are two very different but horrifying pathogens. My concern was and still is that these or other pathogens could become a pandemic and devastate the world. COVID-19 has given the world a test run on how crippling and terrifying a pandemic can be.

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