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Family and Fine Jewelry: Meet the Furnari Family

Written by Seth Stutman
Photos by
Four Wings Photography & Lanae Photo

Sponsored by East Village Place

Published in Longmeadow Neighbors (February 2024)

The Furnari family is basically the only logical choice for a Valentine’s Day edition of Longmeadow Neighbors. Between their romance that began by chance a decade ago this month, and their business, who have helped people symbolize their love for nearly a half century - the parallel rings true.  

Ten years ago this month, the infamous blizzard Nemo crashed into New England  - and brought together Joey and Alana Furnari - and they love telling the story of how their romance began.   

“Alana’s parents had planned a birthday dinner for her in CT while she was home from NYC visiting with them in February of 2013. February in New England brings many elements so it was not a big surprise when they learned a blizzard was headed our way,” he says, laughing.  

“With the snow falling at an incredibly fast rate, a travel ban was put in for the state of Connecticut. This left Alana’s family changing the location of her dinner to a nearby restaurant in Massachusetts. Due to Nemo, Joey had the evening off from work and happened to stop by the very same restaurant – and the rest is history!”

If the Furnari name rings familiar, it may be because they have been selling jewelry since 1981, when Joey’s father, Anthony, opened the first Furnari Jewelers.  Joey took a liking to the family business and after attending Kenyon College in Ohio and Randolph-Macon College in Virginia, went on to become a certified bench jeweler at the American School of Jewelry.  In 2012, he opened his own store in Enfield, CT and today, the family owns four stores around the area.  

Joey’s parents moved him and his sister to Longmeadow when he was 12 years old, and they operate their business in much of the same way they collaborate with the town of Longmeadow, by believing that it’s about developing deep roots, long, lasting relationships, and treating others with respect that you give to family.  

Alana Furnari moved into the Longmeadow area at age 18, graduated from Fairfield University and has worked at a NYC based financial services firm for the last 12 years.  Her ability to work remotely and enjoy the best parts of Longmeadow and New York City have been ideal, and in her spare time, she teaches yoga privately.  The move to Longmeadow in 2014 was something that both Alana and Joey have never second guessed.  

“Moving to Longmeadow was the best decision my parents have ever made for me. I wouldn’t change my experience growing up in Longmeadow for anything, and I always knew that if I were to raise a family in this area, I would live in Longmeadow,” Joey said. 

“We have always loved to travel together and make new memories in new places! We both believe our best memories are happening now though. Our kids are young, Alana and I really enjoy when the four of us are together, we have the best, front row seat in watching our children enjoy their childhood. There is nothing better than watching our kids experience something for the first time. It only happens that one time, and we love that we are able to be present and together for many of these amazing memories!”


In the past decade, the Furnari family has placed deeper roots into Longmeadow.  Their six-year-old son Anthony enjoys playing hockey, baseball, flag football, and soccer while four-year-old Gianna enjoys dance, soccer and gymnastics.  When Alana and Joey aren’t coaching their kid’s sports teams or volunteering at the schools, they’re spending time with Mandy, their rescue dog, a Maltese who is closer to 20 than she is to 15!  The family enjoys taking an active role in town.

“Both of our children are very active and social little beings, we are so incredibly grateful for all of the friendships they have created here in Longmeadow through school and through all of the extracurricular activities offered here in town as well,” said Joey.

“We love the sense of community and pride that Longmeadow holds,” the Furnari family states, “The values shared within the community create an atmosphere for our children to grow and succeed. Whether it’s academically, athletically, or other endeavors, there is a general consensus that success is valued and the town provides the support needed to succeed.”

As the Furnari family grows up (again) in Longmeadow, they aren’t alone.  Joey has seen high school friends return to Longmeadow to raise a family for the same reasons he decided to return.  

“We love our neighbors and our entire community here in Longmeadow. We live in a diverse neighborhood where everyone is kind and helpful. One of Joey’s good friends from high school moved across the street with his young family back to town. Also, a lot of Joey’s close friends moved back to Longmeadow with their families, and it is always nice to have your close, old friends around.”

The Furnari family is also passionate about helping first responders, and recently, Joey designed and patented a new jewelry collection for First Responders called Two Hearts, One Badge. This collection of rings and pendants are designed to honor the bond between first responders and the people they love. In 2023, they began selling at with a portion of the proceeds donated to the Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation.

For the Furnari family, this investment in others, in their town, and in their future is something to cherish - and this family hopes that others will do the same.

“Invest in our children through their education and childhood experiences. If we invest in our children, we invest in our town and our future. We must continue to support our school systems, athletic facilities, and develop and encourage other positive interests for our kids,” they said.  “We are very fortunate to raise our children in a town where so many different activities, adventures and interests are offered and easily accessible. We believe this is what separates our town from others, and as a result, Longmeadow is a desirable place to live and raise a family.”

See this gallery in the original post