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Meet LEEF! Longmeadow Raises Money For Education with LEEF

Written by Seth Stutman
Photos by Seth Stutman

Sponsored by East Village Place

Published in Longmeadow Neighbors (June 2024)

Imagine a day in an 8th grade classroom where students are transported to the depths of the sea, or the top of a mountain - all made possible by donated VR headsets. Or a high school student coming home with a 3D printed wooden contraption that they envisioned, designed and built with 3D printers. These opportunities are available to Longmeadow students when passionate teachers collaborate with the Longmeadow Educational Excellence Foundation (LEEF) to enrich their curriculum.

Unique educational experiences like this are increasingly rare these days. Between budget cuts, curriculum that prioritizes successful standardized test taking, and more frequent teacher turnover in a post-pandemic world, our educational system is taxed. However, because of organizations like the LEEF, and a district full of exceptional educators, Longmeadow is able to sustain their tradition of offering illustrative programming that creates memorable learning experiences.

“LEEF has been able to fulfill hundreds of grants since its inception, generating more than one million dollars for Longmeadow Public Schools,” said Brian Crawford, a LEEF past president. “We are so happy to be able to work with the schools to bring the curriculum to life - it’s an honor to be a part of.”

The Longmeadow Educational Excellence Foundation, a non-profit organization, was founded by a group of dedicated parents in 2001. LEEF is both a fundraising organization and a grant-making organization, composed of volunteers from the community who share a common passion for extraordinary public school education. LEEF hosts fundraising events throughout the year and funds raised through these efforts are then awarded for innovative programs and projects proposed by teachers in formal grant submissions.

Since its inception, LEEF has raised more than $1.4 MILLION for education. In 2023, they were awarded 30+ grants totaling more than $80,000 and are poised to fund more grants for next school year. LEEF funds grants that help curriculum jump off the page and that go above and beyond to illuminate subject matter. Grants have planted gardens, bought musical instruments, guest speakers, dance troupes and musicians, and enabled Longmeadow students to learn about world cultures without leaving the district.

“It’s great just being able to read through the grant applications” said co-president and grants committee chair Sara Sam-Njou. “These teachers work so hard to create incredible, enriching experiences for our students - seeing their care, passion and creativity is inspiring. Both as a LEEF member and a mother to students in the district, I am constantly impressed by the resolve and passion of Longmeadow’s educators.”

Left to just books and text analysis, high school students often consider Shakespeare “dusty” or “mid” (that’s kid-speak for not-so-great) but LEEF grants can provide the resources for teachers to give students different lenses with which to experience the material. A few years ago, LHS was able to bring in the Education Director at Shakespeare and Co. for a full day of professional development. Additionally, this renowned acting troupe performed Hamlet for the juniors and seniors at LHS and worked with seniors in a post-performance workshop.

This grant is just a small example of the power of LEEF collaborating with educators. From 3D printers to library expansions, musical instruments to VR headsets - Longmeadow students have so many unique opportunities because of the teachers that take the time to write compelling grants.

According to, "LEEF creates and maintains a fund for the benefit of Longmeadow Public School students. This fund provides grants, beyond the tax-supported budget, for innovative education and enrichment programs. LEEF is an autonomous, established institution that not only strives to ensure the excellence of Longmeadow Public Schools but also to instill a sense of equity and pride within the community."

Most anyone who has experienced education outside of Longmeadow can tell how highly Longmeadow prioritizes an excellent academic experience - but even towns with large budgets and high taxes can suffer from the pain points of budgeting. However, in partnership with passionate educators, LEEF can help to deliver experiences that make education memorable. And making education memorable means that students will remember it long after they graduate from LHS.

“The students and teachers of the Longmeadow Public Schools are so fortunate to have LEEF. The organization's support for excellence and innovation in teaching has been incredible with our students reaping the benefits,” said Dan Albert, former Longmeadow educator. “It has been an absolute pleasure working with LEEF and I look forward to more. Thank you for all LEEF continues to do to provide our students with excellence in education.”

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